Blue World Newsletter

A newsletter promoting sustainable blue economies and climate action, particularly in the context of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), highlighting success stories and challenges towards achieving long term ocean sustainability, and mitigation and adaptation solutions to climate change.


Blue World (August 2021 Issue)

Published on Aug 17, 2021

Blue World (September 2021 Issue)

Published on Sep 17, 2021

Upcoming Newsletter

Discover the wonders of our Blue World in the James Michel Foundation’s upcoming newsletter! As passionate advocates for ocean conservation, we delve into the depths of sustainable marine practices, shedding light on innovative research and developments that safeguard our precious marine ecosystems. From highlighting success stories to addressing the pressing challenges faced by small island developing states in combating climate change, our newsletter serves as a beacon of knowledge and inspiration. Through these insights, we strive to underscore the intrinsic value of a vibrant ocean, emphasizing its pivotal role in preserving both our environment and way of life. Join us on this journey to protect and nurture our oceans, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come. Stay tuned for our latest edition, as we continue to champion the cause of ocean preservation and sustainability.

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