The book is a collection of speeches and analysis of those speeches by President Michel, which shares the story of the many challenges and sacrifices in the making of the ‘new Seychelles,’ a modern country, by the leader who delivered promises over a ten-year period. President Michel tells a remarkable story of how a small nation comes to terms with globalisation. It has not been an easy journey. The economy was already the subject of a major overhaul when in addition, a way had to be found to counter the impact of the global financial crisis. As if that was not enough, Seychelles had been on the frontline in countering the constant threat of Somali pirates on the high seas. In spite of these challenges, this has been a time for further domestic progress; investment in education and health has increased, and the country has opened its own university. Each year more tourists choose to visit this tropical idyll, lured by the warmth of its people as well as the exotic environment. Meanwhile Michel has worked tirelessly to strengthen ties across the Indian Ocean and to play a bigger role on the African continent. As a representative of a small island nation and a champion for the environment, his voice is widely heard and respected on the international stage. The book tells the unique story of an island nation in a global sea